Glossary of Midas Terms
Asset: tangible or intangible property that has exchange value.
Assets for Independence (AFI): federal funding source for matched savings programs from the Department of Health and Human Services. Midas currently has two active programs funded by AFI from grants in 2014 and 2015 (5 year grants). As of September 2017, there is no longer funding from AFI for future matched savings programs.
Child Savings Accounts (CSA): savings or investment accounts and financial incentives to children for the specific purpose of funding postsecondary education or other asset-building.
Community Partner Organizations (CPO): Midas' matched savings programs are in partnership with nonprofit organizations that vary in design and length but include a savings goal, a monetary match, and financial education. Community partners recruit and manage clients and provide financial education while Midas provides program design, technical assistance, and fiscal management of the program. Midas receives a fee for fiscal management.
Consumer Financial Protection Laws: public policy that ensures transparency and protections for consumers operating within financial systems. Midas is currently supporting the Debt Collections Fairness Act would ensure a fair and transparent debt collections process in Massachusetts.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB): an agency of the United States government responsible for consumer protection in the financial sector. Midas supports the CFPB as it provides valuable financial education resources and ensures banks, lenders, and other financial companies treat consumers fairly. Financial Capability: the combination of attitude, knowledge, skills, and self-efficacy needed to make and exercise money management decisions that best fit the circumstances of one's life, within an enabling environment that includes, but is not limited to, access to appropriate financial services.
Financial Education: Classroom and written education that include the basics of the economy, the value of savings, the management of income and expenses, financial products, and more.
Financial Literacy: set of skills and knowledge that allows an individual to make informed and effective decisions with all of their financial resources. The word "literacy" implies adults maybe illiterate hence the use of financial capability.
Financial Security: a state of being in control of your finances now and the foreseeable future.
Fiscal Manager: Midas oversees the fiscal management of matched savings accounts for our community partners. This includes selecting a financial institution partner, creating and managing custodial and savings accounts, produce monthly statements, maintain match funds, train staff and more.
Low- and moderate-income: refers to individuals or families whose household income does not exceed 115 percent of the median income for the area when adjusted for family size.
Matched Savings Program (MSP): helps low and moderate income individuals and families save money to weather financial hardship, purchase assets (education, small business, house, rainy day fund, etc.) and build financial capability skills. Midas' programs are in partnership with community organizations that vary in design and length but include a savings goal, a monetary match, and financial education.
Community partners recruit and manage clients and provide financial education while Midas provides program design, technical assistance, and fiscal management of the program. Also known as individual development accounts.
Member Organization: a network of community organizations with asset building and/or financial capability programs which Midas provides tools, peer learning, and other resources to contribute to their work.
Train the Trainer: trainings where an experienced instructor(s) shows less-experienced instructors how to deliver courses, workshops and seminars on particular topics.